Tanya Ivanova

Страна: Болгария

Таня Иванова, Болгария Родилась в Софии в 1972 году. С 1995 года живет в Барселоне (Испания). Переводчик с болгарского, русского и английского на испанский и каталанский языки. Окончила Новый болгарский университет в Софии по специальности культурология и изучение Фракийский культуры. Она также имеет степень магистра культурного туризма НБУ. В настоящее время она учится на вторую степень магистра в области египтологии. Таня — любознательная и неутомимая путешественница, любительница старинных культур, фотографии и литературы. Свое первое стихотворение она написала, когда ей было всего восемь лет. Она корреспондент болгарских и испанских газет и журналов. Член Союза болгарских журналистов, Конфедерации болгарских писателей и Болгарской академии наук и искусств. Она написала и выпустила 12 книг на болгарском языке (романы, поэтические сборники, сборник рассказов и книга для детей), 5 из них переведены на испанский, 5 на английский и 1 на сербский язык. Она получила множество международных литературных премий. Некоторые из них: в 2015 г. – Вторая премия VI Международного фестиваля „Мельниковские поэтические вечера“ (Болгария); в 2020 г. – Первая премия на престижном VI литературном конкурсе „Дождь из букв“, организованном в Толедо (Испания) от Фондом „Письма как меч“; в 2022 году получила Специальную премию Конфедерации болгарских писателей за синтез поэтического и художественного мастерства, а также Сертификат за отличное творческое исполнение на Фестивале искусств „С ритмом моря“, проходившем в городе Албена (Болгария); в 2022 году она также получила Приз за выдающиеся достижения в области поэзии и Вторую премию в разделе „Проза“ за рассказ „Встреча или разлука“ на Международном конкурсе „Золотое перо“, организованном Всемирной ассоциацией поэтов, представленном в городе Балчик. (Болгария). Таня также рисует картины, с которыми она участвовала в индивидуальных и групповых выставках в разных странах. Недавно она стала делегат культуры в Международном культурном форуме человечества и творчества. Она тоже Почетной Амбассадор Евроазиатской гильдий.

Country: Bulgaria

Tanya Ivanova – Bulgaria She was born in Sofia in 1972. Since 1995 she has been living in Barcelona (Spain), where she has been working as a translator from Bulgarian, Russian and English into Spanish and Catalan language. She graduated from the New Bulgarian University — Sofia, majoring in Cultural Studies and Traceology and she has a second degree as a Spanish Translator. She also holds a Master’s degree in Cultural Tourism from NBU. She is currently studying for a second Master’s degree in Egyptology. Tanya is a curious and tireless traveller, a lover of old cultures, photography and literature. She wrote her first poem when she was only eight years old. She is a correspondent for Bulgarian and Spanish newspapers and magazines. She is a member of the Union of Bulgarian Journalists, the Confederation of Bulgarian Writers and the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and Arts. She has 12 books in Bulgarian (novels, poetry collections, a collection of short stories and a children’s book), 5 of them are translated in Spanish, 5 in English and 1 in Serbian language. She won many international literature awards. Some of them are: in 2015 – the Second Prize of the VI International Festival “Melnik Poetry Evenings”(Bulgaria); in 2020 – the First Prize at the prestigious VI Literary Competition “Rain of Letters”, organized in Toledo (Spain) by the Letters as a Sword Foundation; in 2022 she received the Special Prize of the Confederation of Bulgarian Writers for the synthesis of poetic and artistic mastery and also a Certificate for excellent creative performance at the Festival of Arts “With the rhythm of the sea”, held in the city of Albena (Bulgaria); in 2022 she also won the Prize for Excellence in Poetry and the Second Prize in the «Prose» section for her story «Encounter or Separation» in the International «Golden Feather» Contest, organised by the World Association of Poets, presented in the city of Balchik (Bulgaria). On 07.01.2023, her collection of poems «I chose to be alive — from Karala to Goa on a motorcycle» was nominated for the «Golden Book» award at the International Literary Festival «Panorama», organized by the International Writers’ Foundation with the assistance of the Central University of the state Kerala, India. On February 4, 2023, she received a Special Award from the Confederation of Bulgarian Writers for protecting the values of cosmopolitanism and linguistic diversity in Bulgarian literature. On 03/04/2023, he participated in the International Literary Festival «Panorama», held in Palma de Mallorca (Spain), where he received a Special Diploma. Since 04/01/2023, he is an honorary member of the Eurasian Creative Guild, based in London (England). It also received a special award for contribution to the arts for 2023 from the International Cultural Forum for Humanity and Creativity based in Syria. On 20.05. In 2023, with his painting, he participated in the collective exhibition «Cervantes inspires me», organized by the «Miguel de Cervantes» house-museum in Esquivas — Toledo (Spain), where he also read his poems in Spanish. On 21.05.2023, he participated in the spring edition of the «Joben Festival» in the city of Sofia, where he presented his collection of poems «In search of something real» and the collective collection «My native language, kind, hidden magic in itself — 3». This was followed by her participation in the Romford International Film Festival, held in London (England), where on 30.05.2023 she presented her four poetry collections in English and received a Medal and Certificate for participation. This was followed by participation in the Festival of Bulgarian literature, held in the city of Hamburg on 03.06.2023. Tanya is also an artist. With her paintings she has participated in individual and group exhibitions in different countries. She is Ambassador of The Eurasian creative guild, London.

Отрывок из сборника стихотворений

Announcement section


To whom it may concern,

announcement section:

For sale

an immortal soul

for being empty —

the price is a dream

in what to believe.

For sale

thousands dreams,

chimeras and ideals,

at a good price,

because they no longer

serve to the owner.


a hope

lost on the street,


to find it

for being very small.

You will be rewarded

with a ticket

to a new world.

We bought

little moments

of deep love,

even if they are


no matter

if they are used.

We sell

law strings

to tie words,


that kill thoughts,

plastic intellectuals,

to learn to speak

without saying anything.

We buy someone

with whom to talk

without mocking.


hell street,

last door,

graveyard of souls —

ask for the poetess!



Every time

I realize more

that I’m not from here:

aimless stateless,

wandering kite in the wind,

I walk under any flag,

citizen of the world,

daughter of the Universe…


contemplating the Moon,

I think of my lost home —

beyond the skies.

And I feel it — so far

from the clay cage

where I am exiled.

What a strange feeling:

live in a world

without being able

to understand it,

knowing that, deep down,

go where I go,

I will always be a foreigner.

The rose


I couldn’t

tear you away

from my soul

but I realized:

from the berry

sown with love

a rose is born —

everything else

are only thorns.



Did I dream of you

or were you real?

Did I touch you

or the wind did I feel?

Were you walking

towards me

or alone

I was walking

towards myself?


Did your voice I hear

or was It a song,

so near?

Did you give me a kiss?

or was a bee’s

sudden buzz?

When did it all happen?

Maybe it was

in the fall.

Are you a dream

or an image,

a shiny beam

was it all?